May Status Update
Welcome back to the status updates! This month has been light on the software engineering side of things. Most of my time has been spent preparing for the big life change that is college, and finalizing things at my school. I graduate next week, and then it’s off to summer camp for seven weeks.
Campmaster Constantine
I’ve re-added Question of the Day suggestions, you can use these after you set the suggest_channel
server setting. In a break from the old bot code, QOTD suggestions no longer cost points.
Listing questions with the qotd list
command will also now only list questions that have not been asked. This should make it easier to see what’s coming up! You can still access the full list with qotd listall
That’s really all that happened this month. June and July might not have status updates because all of my time is going to be spent at summer camp teaching archery and radio. Until August, then!
Articles from my webring
gccrs: An alternative compiler for Rust
This is a guest post from the gccrs project, at the invitation of the Rust Project, to clarify the relationship with the Rust Project and the opportunities for collaboration. gccrs is a work-in-progress alternative compiler for Rust being developed as part…
via Rust Blog November 7, 2024Status update, October 2024
Hi! This month XDC 2024 took place in Montreal. I wasn’t there in-person, but thanks to the organizers I could still ask questions and attend workshops remotely (thanks!). As usual, XDC has been a great reminder of many things I wanted to do but which got bur…
via emersion October 21, 2024Post-OCSP certificate revocation in the Web PKI
Introduction Today, TLS certificates in the Web public key infrastructure (PKI) have long validity: almost all remain valid for at least three months! An attacker compromising a certificate early enough in its lifetime1 keeps it compromised for months. Cer…
via Posts on Seirdy’s Home September 25, 2024Generated by openring